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Platinum Patron
Platinum Patron

Become a PLATINUM patron £600+

Orchestra Patrons or sponsors, are either individuals or businesses who commit their financial support to the work of the Orchestra. In return, we offer a choice of benefits. The platinum plan comes with greater flexibility and is subject to discussion. Please ring us and we will aim to create a bespoke order for you. No payment needs to be made when you make this request through the website. We will contact you to discuss your Platinum Patronage.

  • All the Gold benefits plus tailored flexibility
  • 6 complimentary tickets to 4 of our concerts each season (unless you opt for a 'no benefits' arrangement)
  • An acknowledgement of your support both in our programme and on our website
  • Complimentary programmes
  • A full A5 page advertisement in our programme (for a business)

Telephone Derek Kemp (Chairman) 01303 894635/ Mob. 07919 030077